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Здравствуйте, транспортный эксперт!
В этом году вы несколько раз писали о том, что штат Нью-Йорк скоро разрешит жителям с иностранным гражданством и без вида на жительство в США сдавать экзамены и получать водительские права. До конца года осталось чуть более месяца. Скажите, когда это, наконец, произойдёт? Не удалось ли противникам инициативы губернатора Куомо заблокировать в суде закон о драйвер-лайсенсах для всех желающих? Пётр
Уважаемый Пётр!
Последней хорошей новостью стало отклонение всех судебных исков, которые могли замедлить или вообще отменить закон, разрешающий Отделу транспортных средств штата Нью-Йорк (NYSDMV) выдавать водительские права жителям без документов. Таких исков было около десятка, но подавались они в основном в округах и графствах в апстейте Нью-Йорка. Консервативно настроенные лоббисты подобных судебных исков опасались, что иностранцы за рулём спровоцируют вспышку дорожно-транспортных происшествий.
Единогласие нью-йоркских судов сделало закон, разрешающий жителям без документов получать драйвер-лайсенсы, необратимым. Он официально вступит в силу 14 декабря 2019 года. С этого дня Нью-Йорк станет 13-м штатом в стране, разрешающим получать официальные водительские права (некоторые пометки с ограничениями там всё-таки будут присутствовать) жителям без документов.
Имейте в виду, что с середины декабря и до конца лета 2020 года в отделениях DMVпо всему штату могут возникнуть очереди. Поэтому транспортный эксперт настоятельно рекомендует всем желающим получить права не приходить в DMVспонтанно, а делать предварительный онлайн-аппойнтмент. Подобная опция существует на официальном сайте NYSDMV.
В настоящее время в одном только городе Нью-Йорк проживают более 540 тысяч жителей без документов. Согласно неофициальной статистике, каждый четвёртый из них собирается получить водительские права после вступления в силу исторического закона. Поэтому в ближайшем будущем водить машину в Нью-Йорке станет сложнее. Если транспортных средств в городе будет больше, парковочных мест станет ещё меньше, а дорожных пробок - ещё дольше.

East 2 Street between Avenue B and Avenue C: This street will be closed Friday from 12:01am to 5am through 12/11/19 to facilitate concrete pumping.
West 20 Street between 10 Avenue and 11 Avenue: This street will be closed Saturday and Sunday from 8am to 6pm through 12/31/19 to facilitate water main replacement.
West 31st Street between 9th Avenue and Dyer Avenue: A full roadway closure for replacement of West 31st Street Bridge over Amtrak, beginning Friday, August 23, 2019 through Sunday, November 22, 2020, the NYC Department of Transportation Division of Bridges will begin construction on a new 31st Street bridge west of the 9th Avenue Viaduct. As a result, the following closures and traffic pattern changes will be in effect:
West 31st Street west of 9th Avenue to the mid-block will be closed to traffic.
West 31st Street between mid-block and Dyer Avenue will be converted to two-way traffic for deliveries to mid-block addresses only.
Work will be performed during the daytime between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00p.m, though vehicular traffic will be detoured at all times.
Intermittent sidewalk closures will occur on the south side of 31st Street throughout the duration of this project.
East 45th Street between 5th Avenue and Madison Avenue: This street will be closed from 1am to 8am Saturday and/or Sunday through 11/24/19 to facilitate crane operation.
East 67 Street between 1 Avenue and York Avenue: This street will be closed Friday from 12:01am to 5am through 11/22/19 to facilitate crane operation.
East 69th Street between Madison Avenue and Park Avenue: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm and Sunday from 9am to 6pm through 11/24/19 to place knuckle boom to lift steel.
East 70th Street between Madison Avenue and Park Avenue: This street will be closed Saturday and Sunday from 8am to 8pm through 11/24/19 to facilitate crane operation.
East 70th Street between Lexington Avenue and 3rd Avenue: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm and Sunday from 9am to 6pm through 12/8/19 for lifting trees.
East 76th Street between Lexington Avenue and 3rd Avenue: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm through 11/30/19 to facilitate crane operation.
East 80th Street between Madison Avenue and Park Avenue: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm and Sunday from 9am to 6pm through 11/24/19 to facilitate crane operation.
East 84th Street between 1st Avenue and 2nd Avenue: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm and Sunday from 9am to 6pm through 11/24/19 to facilitate crane operation.
East 90th Street between 1st Avenue and York Avenue: This street will be fully closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm and Sunday from 9am to 6pm through 12/31/19 for concrete pumping operations.
West 108th Street between Amsterdam Avenue and Columbus Avenue: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm through 11/26/19 to facilitate crane operation.
West 126th Street between Frederick Douglas Boulevard/8th Avenue and Adam C. Powell Jr Boulevard/7th Avenue: This street will be closed from 8am to 6pm Sunday through 11/24/19 to facilitate crane operation
West 208th Street between 9th Avenue and Dead End: This street will be fully closed 24/7 through 12/31/19 for new building construction.
Charlton Street between Greenwich Street and Hudson Street: This street will be closed Friday from 7am to 3pm through 11/22/19 for major gas installation/CAC.
Theatre Alley between Beekman Street and Ann Street: This street will be fully closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm through 12/1/19 to facilitate crane operation.
West Houston Street between Washington Street and West Street: This street will be closed Friday from 9pm through 5am Monday through 11/30/19 to facilitate crane operation.
Eldridge Street between Grand Street and Hester Street: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm through 12/16/19 for concrete pavement with boom truck.
Cliff Street between Fulton Street and John Street: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm through 11/24/19 to install gas service.
Fletcher Street between Front Street and South Street: This street will be fully closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm through 12/31/19 for new building construction.
St. John's Lane between Laight Street and York Street: This street will be closed 24/7 through 12/16/19 to facilitate construction operations.
Warren Street between West Street and Broadway: This street will be closed Friday from 12:01am to 6am through 12/31/19 to facilitate final paving.
Leonard Street between West Broadway and Church Street: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm and Sunday from 9am to 6pm through 12/1/19 to facilitate crane operation.
West 19 Street between Mermaid Avenue and Surf Avenue: This street will be closed Friday from 9am to 4pm through 12/30/19 to facilitate crane operation.
West 20 Street between Mermaid Avenue and Surf Avenue: This street will be closed Friday from 9am to 4pm through 12/30/19 to facilitate crane operation.
River Street between Kent Avenue and Metropolitan Avenue: This street will be closed Friday from 7am to 3pm through 12/31/19 for new building, a concrete pump to be placed on roadway.
Lincoln Road between Ocean Avenue and Flatbush Avenue: This street will be closed from 10pm Friday to 5am Monday through 11/25/19 for mainline track repairs.
Chester Court between Dead end and Flatbush Avenue: This street will be closed from 10pm Friday to 5am Monday through 11/25/19 for mainline track repairs.
Beekman Street between Dead End and Flatbush Avenue: This street will be closed from 10pm Friday to 5am Monday through 11/25/19 for mainline track repairs.
Sackman Street between New Lots Avenue and Hegeman Avenue: This street will be closed Friday from 8am to 4pm through 12/31/19 to facilitate crane operation.
South 4th Street between Borinquen Place and Marcy Avenue: This street will be closed Saturday from 9am to 5pm through 12/2/19 to facilitate crane operation.
Hoyt Street between Fulton Street and Livingston Street: This street will be closed Friday from 12:01am to 6am and Saturday and Sunday from 6pm to 10pm through 12/1/19 to facilitate crane operation.
Clinton Street between Pierre Point Street and Lincoln Plaza West: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 10pm thorough 12/2/19 for removal and restoration of concrete road base.
Granite Street between Broadway and Bushwick Avenue: This street will be closed Friday from 7am to 3pm through 12/8/19 for deliveries and concrete pouring.
Luquer Street between Columbia Street and Hicks Street: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm through 11/24/19 to facilitate crane operation.
Grove Street between Wyckoff Avenue and Irving Avenue: This street will be closed Friday from 7am to 3pm through 12/15/19.
Maujer Street and Waterbury Street and Morgan Street: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm and Sunday from 9am to 6pm through 12/17/19 to facilitate crane operation.
Sackman Street between Hegeman Avenue and New Lots Avenue: This street will be closed Friday from 12:01am to 4am through 12/31/19 to facilitate concrete pumping.
Vandalia Avenue between Erskine Street and Fountain Avenue: This street will be closed Friday from 9am to 5pm through 11/30/19 to facilitate crane operation.
Willoughby Street between Filet Street and Ashland Place: This street will be closed Saturday and Sunday from 8am to 10pm through 12/8/19 to facilitate crane operation.
Lincoln Place between Buffalo Avenue and Ralph Avenue: This street will be closed Friday from 7am to 3pm through 12/22/19 for crane/knuckle boom placement for installation/delivery of material.
East 166 Street between Washington Avenue and 3 Avenue: This street will be closed Friday from 7am to 6pm through 12/21/19 to facilitate crane operation.
East 173rd Street between Grand Concourse and Selwyn Avenue: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm and Sunday from 9am to 6pm through 12/1/19 to facilitate crane operation.
Sheridan Avenue between East 153rd Street and East 156th Street: This street will be closed Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 6pm through 12/1/19 to facilitate crane operation.
Brown Place between East 135th Street and East 136h Street: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm and Sunday from 9am to 6pm through 12/1/19 to facilitate crane operation.
East Clarke Place between Walton Avenue and Grand Concourse: This street will be fully closed Friday from 8am to 12pm noon through 11/30/19 for concrete pump truck.
Newbold Avenue between Cross Bronx Expressway and Olmstead Avenue: This street will be fully closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm through 12/31/19 to facilitate crane operation.
University Avenue between Sedgwick Avenue and West 165th Street: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm Sunday from 9am to 6pm through 11/24/19 to facilitate crane operation.
Villa Avenue between East 205 Street and Van Cortlandt Avenue East: This street will be closed Friday from 9am to 6pm through 12/30/19 to facilitate crane operation.
10th Street between 40th Avenue and 38th Avenue: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm through 12/23/19 for knuckle boom and/or concrete pump for deliveries and concrete pouring.
31st Street between Astoria Boulevard North and Hoyt Avenue South: This street will be closed Saturday and Sunday from 6am to 7pm through 11/30/19 for track work.
31st Street between Astoria Boulevard North and Grand Central Parkway (Hoyt Avenue South): This street will be closed Saturday and Sunday from 6am to 7pm through 11/30/19 for track work.
147th Place between Liberty Avenue and 97th Avenue: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm through 12/23/19 for knuckle boom and/or concrete pump for deliveries and concrete pouring.
Center Boulevard between 54 Avenue and Borden Avenue: This street will be closed Friday and Saturday from 8am to 5pm through 11/26/19 to facilitate crane operation.
Center Boulevard between 55 Avenue and 54 Avenue: This street will be closed Friday and Saturday from 8am to 5pm through 11/26/19 to facilitate crane operation.
Hoyt Avenue South between 31st Street and 33rd Street: This street will be closed Saturday and Sunday from 6am to 7pm through 11/30/19 for track work.
Hoyt Avenue South between 31st Street and Grand Central Parkway: This street will be closed Saturday and Sunday from 6am to 7pm through 11/30/19 for track work.
245th Street between Francis Lewis Boulevard and Dead End: This street will be closed Friday from 7am to 3pm through 12/1/19 for excavation of construction site safety.
Archer Avenue between Sutphin Boulevard and 147th Place: This street will be closed from 10pm Friday to 5am Monday through 11/25/19 to facilitate crane operation.
Archer Avenue between 147th Place and 148th Street: This street will be closed from 10pm Friday to 5am Monday through 11/25/19 to facilitate crane operation.
Archer Avenue between 148th Place and 149th Street: This street will be closed from 10pm Friday to 5am Monday through 11/25/19 to facilitate crane operation.
Archer Avenue between Intersection of 148th Street and Archer Avenue: This street will be closed from 10pm Friday to 5am Monday through 11/25/19 to facilitate crane operation.
Archer Avenue between Jamaica Avenue and Archer Avenue: This street will be closed from 10pm Friday to 5am Monday through 11/25/19 to facilitate crane operation.
148th Street between Jamaica Avenue and Archer Avenue: This street will be closed from 10pm Friday to 5am Monday through 11/25/19 to facilitate crane operation.
Leonard Avenue between Wardwell Avenue and Fiske Avenue: This street will be closed Saturday from 6pm to 12am through 11/30/19 for material delivery to upper floors.
Wardwell Avenue between Leonard Avenue and Boulevard Avenue: This street will be closed Saturday from 6pm to 12am through 11/30/19 for material delivery to upper floors. |
Information about scheduled maintenance and construction on MTA Bridges and Tunnels can be found on the MTA website at mta.info/bandt.
Disclaimer: All event dates, times and routes are subject to change at any time. Additional events are scheduled under the direction of the Mayor’s Office and the NYPD and may not appear in this advisory. Street closures are implemented and enforced solely by the NYPD. NYC DOT does not approve nor institute street closures for events.