Харман за иммиграционную реформу

№19 (734)

Авторитетный калифорнийский сенатор Том Харман направил открытое письмо Бараку Обаме, призвав президента к скорейшему проведению всесторонней иммиграционной реформы.
«Мы тратим огромные деньги на заключение нелегальных иммигрантов в тюрьму, - написал Харман. – Эти люди не являются опасными преступниками. Они хотят честно работать и честно зарабатывать деньги».
Письмо стало своего рода следствием на недавнее заявление калифорнийского губернатора. Шварценеггер сказал, что собирается потратить в 2010 году $900 млн. на борьбу с нелегальной иммиграцией. Большая часть этих средств уйдёт на содержание нелегалов в депортационных центрах и отправку домой.
Надо сказать, что Харман является одним из немногих влиятельных политиков Калифорнии, кто защищает права нелегальных иммигрантов. Главным же его идейным политиком считается Стив Пойзнер – потенциальный приемник Шварценеггера. На этой неделе Пойзнер пообещал, что в случае избрания на губернаторский пост он отменит все льготы для жителей без документов и последует в борьбе с нелегалами примеру Аризоны.
В настоящее время Харман работает над созданием коалиции американских сенаторов, которая будет продвигать проект иммиграционной реформы в жизнь. Калифорнийский сенатор уверен, что при положительном стечении обстоятельств закон об амнистии может вступить в силу уже в этом году.  

comments (Total: 27)

N/A:О каком блате речь? По блату находиться в депортации?!10 лет жизни потратить в судах на то,что бы остаться в стране.Еще раз сочувствую этой женщине.


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Значит по блату можно статус выбить? А как же вы,пострадавшая от батьки? Беженца не дают? Двойные стандарты,однако.


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Я только приветствую это решение.Смешно,что родная тетя президента до сих пор была в нелегалах.


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нелегальная эмиграция должна приносить положительный экономический эффект. Он складывается из положительного баланса от дешёвого труда нелегалов за вычетом расходов на их социальные нужды, включая членов их семей. Кто-нибудь знаком со статистикой?)))))))))))))))))"Amnesty for illegal immigrants will cause costs to increase significantly from $10.4 billion a year to $28.8 billion. This is because an amnesty program would transform an illegal immigrant to an "unskilled immigrant with legal status" who could access various government programs. However, due to low income, these "unskilled immigrants with legal status" would likely make very modest tax payments." (Center for Immigration Studies).- # "Tax payments in illegal households are only 28% of other households primarily due to much lower levels in education, which subsequently results in low incomes and even lower tax payments." (Center for Immigration Studies).-


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Вашингтон, 18 мая. Власти США предоставили политическое убежище тете президента США Барака Обамы 57-летней Зейтуни Оньянго из Кении. Об удовлетворении судом прошения 57-летней женщины сообщили на пресс-конференции в Кливленде адвокаты родственницы американского президента.
Врачи, представлявшие сторону Оньянго, указывали на медицинские основания для предоставления политического убежища, а также на угрозу ее жизни в связи опасениями «межплеменного насилия» в Кении.))))))))))Нелегалка. Вот как делает любящий племянник. А вы всё о справедливости кричите и всех обвиняете в нелюбви к вам.


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April 4, 2010
Fewer Californians support cutting illegal immigration benefits, Times/USC poll finds
A new Los Angeles Times/USC poll has found a shift in California voter sentiment away from proposals to take away all social services from illegal immigrants, including access to schools and emergency medical treatment, from illegal residents.

Large majorities in the poll supported two alternative proposals: one that would couple stronger enforcement at the border with a temporary worker program, and one that would combine stronger border enforcement with a path to eventual citizenship for illegal residents who perform community service, pay back taxes and learn English.
Сколько людей, столько и мнений. Америка разделилась в своих симпатиях и антипатиях к нелегалам. Но решать эту проблему придется. И я уверен, что легализация в той или иной форме состоится.


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Poll: Sympathy on Immigration, Desire for Secure Borders
USA Today, May 4, 2010

Two-thirds of Americans want the government to do a better job of securing the borders, but they are sympathetic to illegal immigrants who have been working hard and staying out of trouble, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds.

Eight in 10 Americans are concerned that illegal immigrants burden schools, hospitals and other government services, and 77% worry that they drive down wages, the poll finds.

Yet 77% are concerned that stricter laws would mean illegal immigrants and their families who have lived productively in the USA for years would be forced to leave.


“On the one hand, they don’t like the idea that people are breaking our immigration laws, that it appears we have a southern border that is out of control,” Jimenez [Tomas Jimenez, a fellow at the non-partisan New America Foundation] said. “On the other hand, they think the people coming here who work hard, who have dreams of a better life, are really participating in an American tradition that is as old as this country.”

In the poll, 68% say it is extremely important or very important to halt the flow of illegal immigrants into the country, and 67% say it is extremely or very important to develop a plan to deal with about 12 million illegal immigrants in the USA. Yet 74% are somewhat or very concerned that tougher immigration laws would lead to harassment of Hispanics.


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Seventy-eight percent (78%) of likely voters were opposed to legalizing the status of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. with only 19% supporting it. 88% of African-Americans were opposed to legalization. Pulse Opinion Research, LLC, September, 2009-

71% of Americans want to see the bosses who hire illegal immigrants arrested while 64 percent support police conducting surprise raids on businesses suspected of hiring illegal immigrants (The Raids Obama has stopped) Rasmussen Reports poll, October, 2009. -

80 percent of U.S. voters oppose proposals for government-backed health-care plans for illegal immigrants Rasmussen Reports poll, June, 2009. -

78 percent of Americans believe that high immigration numbers have had a negative impact on the cost and quality of the nation's health care system and 78% of likely voters were opposed to legalizing the status of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. American Council for Immigration Reform, September, 2009-

73% of Americans called for a drop in the number of illegal immigrants CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll, October, 2009.-

58% of Arizona voters say the policies and activities of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio have had a positive impact on the state’s image, [May 2009, Rasmussen Reports]-

74% of Americans think the government is not doing enough to keep illegal immigrants from coming into this country, [Washington Post-ABC News poll, April 2009]
66% of likely voters nationwide say it is Very Important for the government to improve its enforcement of the borders and reduce illegal immigration, [April 2009, Rasmussen Reports]-

73% of U.S. voters believe that a police officer should automatically check to see if someone is in this country legally when the officer pulls that person over for a traffic violation, [March 2009, Rasmussen Reports]-

67% of voters also say that if law enforcement officers know of places where immigrants gather to find work, they should sometimes conduct surprise raids to identify and deport illegal immigrants,[March 2009, Rasmussen Reports]-

68% of Arizona voters have a favorable view of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, [March 2009, Rasmussen Reports]

68% of U.S. voters favor strict government sanctions on employers who hire illegal immigrants, [March 2009, Rasmussen Reports]-

62% of New Jersey Residents oppose offering illegal immigrants some type of driver’s licenses. Just 33% favor this proposal, [March 2009, Monmouth University/Gannett New Jersey Poll]-
# "Amnesty for illegal immigrants will cause costs to increase significantly from $10.4 billion a year to $28.8 billion. This is because an amnesty program would transform an illegal immigrant to an "unskilled immigrant with legal status" who could access various government programs. However, due to low income, these "unskilled immigrants with legal status" would likely make very modest tax payments."
(Center for Immigration Studies).-

# "Tax payments in illegal households are only 28% of other households primarily due to much lower levels in education, which subsequently results in low incomes and even lower tax payments."
(Center for Immigration Studies).-----Так,что цифры N/A не так далеки от истины.


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Я тоже где-то читал подобные и чуть меньше цифры, но явно большие,чем у Вас. Пытался найти,но не вспомнил сайт. На сегодня накопал это-------Republicans overwhelmingly approve the law (85%) signed by Republican Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer in frustration over federal inaction on securing the state's borders with Mexico. A solid majority of independents (64%) also support the controversial measure.))))))))))WASHINGTON — A strong majority of Americans support Arizona's controversial new immigration law and would back similar laws in their own states, a new McClatchy-Ipsos poll found.--

Read more: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/05/12/94050/most-americans-approve-of-arizonas.html#ixzz0o6n3Mbzk--
Sixty-one percent of Americans — and 64 percent of registered voters — said they favored the law in a survey of 1,016 adults conducted May 6-9.))))))))))The Arizona anti-illegal immigration law is now catching on in the race for governor of Florida, with state Attorney General Bill McCollum saying that he would back bringing it to Florida -- after his new opponent in the GOP primary, former health care executive Rick Scott, began pushing it.)))))))Rasmussen Reports – Mon May 10, Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in major Arizona's cities finds that 90% of likely voters in Arizona approve of the legislation, while just 9% oppose it.--- Эксперт, 50% демократов это 50% в пользу закона. Вот и сложите 85% республиканцев и 50% демократов. Получите принятие закона. Поддержка растёт и в других штатах,как видите.


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Пэйлин предложила всер республиканцам поддержать закон. И поддержат.


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