Сегодня в 9 часов вечера по нью-йоркскому времени состоятся последние (третьи) предвыборные дебаты между действующим президентом Бараком Обамой и республиканцем Миттом Ромни. Кандидаты на пост 45-го президента Соединённых Штатов встретятся лицом к лицу в городе Бока Ратон (штат Флорида).
Модерировать дебаты предстоит Бобу Шнифферу – легенде американской журналистики и ведущему телеканала CBS. Официальная тема дискуссии – внешняя политика Соединённых Штатов. Однако нет никаких сомнений, что Обама с Ромни затронут и другие злободневные темы.
Напомним, что в первых дебатах (3 октября) уверенную победу одержал Митт Ромни. Вторые дебаты (16 октября) победителя не выявили, однако большинство СМИ отдало незначительную победу Бараку Обаме.
По мнению политологов, третьи дебаты могут стать самым популярным политическим мероприятием нулевых годов. В этом списке по количеству просмотров через интернет и телевидение лидируют две первые встречи между Ромни и Обамой. На третьем месте – вторая встреча между Обамой и Маккейном.
Прямую трансляцию дебатов можно посмотреть в видео-ссылки ниже в режиме реального времени или в записи.
comments (Total: 30)
Как вообще может рабочий человек, если он не, как говорили в Одессе и Киеве, гешефтмахер, поддерживать Ромни, ьез зазрения совести, уничтожавшего аутсорсингом процветающие американские предприятия. К сожелению, в нашей русскоязычной общине гешефтмахеры пользуются немалой популярностью. Молодец, сделал бабки. Рабочие пострадали? Так при капитализме живем. Уж сколько я таких базаров наслушался.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Would the U.S. auto industry be doing as well as it is today if it was Mitt Romney completing his first term as president?
Romney argues that his plan for the industry in his now-famous November 2008 New York Times op-ed piece, "Let Detroit go bankrupt," was what the Obama administration eventually did: a managed bankruptcy at both companies. He insists that he was not in favor of the companies going out of business.
But in the 2008 piece, Romney said the money needed to keep General Motors (GM, Fortune 500) and Chrysler Group alive during bankruptcy should have come from the private sector, with the government providing only "guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing." Those guarantees would have made lenders whole if the automakers subsequently defaulted.
The problem was that there was no one available to write checks for the automakers other than the government in late 2008 and early 2009.
The financial markets had melted down in the wake of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy. Treasury was pumping billions into the nation's banks, who were not willing to then lend money to a struggling auto industry -- or anyone else.
Steve Rattner, the Obama administration car czar at the time, said in his own New York Times op-ed piece that the administration tried to find private financing, but that "not one (would-be lender) had the slightest interest in financing those companies on any terms."
Rattner told CNNMoney on Tuesday that the administration never tried offering loan guarantees.
"If the government was going to be on the hook one way or another, we did not see the point in bringing in a private party," he said.
Вот сама статья:
" In the tangled debate over whether the auto industry would have survived under Romney’s bankruptcy plan, Obama has the edge on the argument.
This exchange is drawn from a headline — “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt” — on an opinion article written by Romney for the New York Times. But he did not say that in the article. (He repeated the line, however, on television.)
Although “bankrupt” often conjures up images of liquidation, Romney is correct in that he called for a “managed bankruptcy.” This is a process in which the company uses the bankruptcy code to discharge its debts, but emerges from the process a leaner, less leveraged company.
Ultimately, along with getting nearly $80 billion in loans and other assistance from the Bush and Obama administrations, GM and Chrysler did go through a managed bankruptcy.
But many independent analysts have concluded that taking the approach recommended by Romney would not have worked in 2008, simply because the credit markets were so frozen that a bankruptcy was not a viable option at the time.
Here’s how the bipartisan Congressional Oversight Panel, in a unanimous finding, framed the issue in a January 2011 report: “The circumstances in the global credit markets in November and December 2008 were unlike any the financial markets had seen in decades. U.S. domestic credit markets were frozen in the wake of the Lehman bankruptcy, and international sources of funding were extremely limited.”
Obama’s claim of 1 million jobs being saved is based on a Bush administration estimate when it extended loans to the automakers. The Bush administration’s Council of Economic Advisers said that “the direct costs of American automakers failing and laying off their workers in the near term would result in a more than 1 percent reduction in real GDP [gross domestic product] growth and about 1.1 million workers losing their jobs, including workers for automotive suppliers and dealers.”
А вот и комментарий:
"Romney just loves "bankruptcy" because it allows companies to get rid of what he considers unnecessary debt. But Obama wasn't trying to save a company, he was trying to save the auto industry. Had GM and Chrysler gone bankrupt, all of the suppliers and subsidiary companies to which they owed money would have been damaged, possibly to the point that they failed, too. And the biggest reason for "bankruptcy?" The company gets to (1) ditch its costs for employee pensions, dumping them instead on the taxpayers through the Pension Benefit Guarantee Fund which pays pensioners a fraction of what they were promised (and what they often paid for through their own contributions), and (2) trash any labor agreements in which it had bargained "in good faith" with unions.
Yes, bankruptcy is one of the favorite tools of the venture capitalists. Not their own, of course, but for the companies they "harvest." The problem with Romney's argument is that his "government assistance" would have been in the form of guarantees for private loans. What he ignores is that there was no private capital available -- one of the reasons for the auto industry's problems in particular and the country's problems in general.
Romney's solution to the problem was based on precisely the business model he had used so many times with great success for his own "capital growth," but in this case the entire country would have been harmed.
Видно, готовили его, готовили, но такое количество знаний усвоить за такое ограниченное время просто невозможно. Люди ведь осваивают эти географические премудрости с младых ногтей, ещё в школе.--------------------Если же говорить по существу, то эти дебаты являются какой-то ширмой, работая перед ней, нельзя ступить ни вправо, ни влево, иначе потеряешь какие-то голоса. Ясно, что сказать то, что каждый из них думает, они не могут: политкорректность, соображения электоральные, корпоративные и т.д. А то, что происходит за ширмой, на дебаты не выносится.------- Поэтому, если нас интересует только их психологическое состояние и выносливость, нужно выключить звук и смотреть только на то, как они выглядят. При этом понимая, что Ромни просто безграмотный человек, а Обама - популист. Но в каком-то смысле все популисты, просто Обама более честен со своими согражданами.
По мнению участников опроса CBS, а опрошивали людей, которые еще не определились с выбором, Обама одержал безоговорочную победу - 53% против 23%.
Другое дело, поможет ли эта победа Обаме перетянуть на свою сторону избирателей, которые все еще сомневаются за кого отдать свой голос.